Use the Left Mouse Key to press and release. 

Basic Fishing Control:

  • Button Interaction: Players press and release buttons to control the position of the fishing hook, moving it up and down. The Unity Input System can be used to detect long presses and releases.
  • Hook Position: The hook moves up and down within a fixed water area. Consider using a Rigidbody-based physics system or simple Transform position control for smooth movement.

Fish Generation and Behavior:

  • Random Fish Generation: Fish randomly appear near the player at specific time intervals. A ScriptableObject can be used to define different types of fish properties, such as appearance probability and rarity.
  • Fish Behavior: Each fish has its own movement pattern, such as rising and falling at varying speeds. This can be managed using Coroutines or Animation to control the fish's movement.

Fishing Bar (Float) Logic:

  • Success Zone: There will be a "success zone" within the fishing bar where players need to keep the hook. This zone can be defined using a Collider or Rect to detect if the fishing rod is within it.
  • Success Progress Bar: During the fishing time, players must continuously keep the hook within the "success zone" to fill the progress bar. Each time the hook slips out of the zone, the progress bar will decrease.

Success and Failure Determination:

  • Successful Capture: The capture is determined successful when the progress bar is filled. An event system or boolean value can be used to detect the progress state.
  • Failed Capture: If the progress bar fully depletes or the fish escapes, it is determined a failure. This logic can be implemented by updating the progress value frame by frame and checking if it falls below zero.

Git Link: Crystaleech/Fishing: Fishing game remake

Made withUnity


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